Henri Yandell wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
>>Thanks to the valid help of Brian Ewins
>>([EMAIL PROTECTED]) I have committed the revised new
>>versions of the logos, which should be fine now.
>>If there are problems (incase, probably more due to my conversions than
>>to his work), please report ASAP, otherwise I'll push them on the
>>Jakarta site in a couple of hours.
>>I suggest Mavenized projects to use the new logo, there is a special
>>version of it just for them :-)
> Seems a little harsh to give Mavenised projects 2 hours to update to the
> new logo.

IMHO there is no need to hurry on that side, since many Jakarta projects that are not
Mavenized use their own copy.

The two hours was just an indication for the main site, after having
discussed this for some day; anyway it's done now...

Sorry if I seemed as I was rushing Mavenized projects in changing, it
was not my intention.

>Although that assumes that they're using the main Jakarta logo
> and not a copy elsewhere.

AFAIK they use their version.

>>White version:
>>Blue version for Mavenized projects:

Nicola Ken Barozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
(discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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