What is up with the left hand side of the layout taking up ~45% of the page?



Dunno, ask Stefano, I think he designed the layout for forrest. Might just be it was not
anticipated that there would be such long names for things in the menu.

Speaking of which, Glad that Maven fixed the pixilated logo
looks much better. Wish the shade of blue matched the page, but thats picky.

Been meaning to check maven out for documentation transformation, I hear its
much faster than forrest for this. If it does PDFs I'll have to use it for this project
I'm setting up (they have HORRID ant scripts which seem to be broken at the moment). I mean I love Centipede and its flexibiltiy but I just can't see dropping 10-12 mb per
doc and maxing out CPU for every document on a project which has LOTS of docs
and schematics just because Centipede uses Forrest (which I regard as a point of rigidity).
Might be all I need is Velocity or one of its children.. Hard to decide
between DVSL and Anakia just from the website. Or determine whether I can get PDFs
if we need them... I'll guess I'll have to ask on the Velocity mailing lists and start a wiki page
(http://nagoya.apache.org/wiki/apachewiki.cgi?AnakiaAndDVSL) to draft a document explaining
when to use each, asking others to contribute as they are able and then commit it to CVS when its



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