On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 16:45, Sam Ruby wrote:

> Jason, now let me ask you a direct question: 

> if you don't want to work 
> with the Apache infrastructure 

I am first concerned with setting up the infrastructure that Maven
requires in order to satisfy the needs of people building projects. 

L/GPL jars cannot be stored within the Apache infrastructure so right
now there is a mismatch. It would mean that anyone requiring L/GPL jars
would be hosed.

Ted Leung suggested a solution at ApacheCon that could be viable
solution which uses the PORTs methodology where the repository becomes a
set of pointers. This allows the storage of artifcacts anywhere but also
causes another problem for users where one bad pointer, or one bad
connection could fubar everything.

I would prefer to have the entire Maven repository mirrored in its
entirety in several places in the world. Right now ibiblio on its own
does not go down very often but other whole mirrors would be nice.

Ibiblio also doesn't have a problem storing commercial artifacts either.
I want the repository to become a whole repository. I want it primarily
for building projects but I would also like it be a place where people
can find any Java artifacts commercial or otherwise. Ibiblio doesn't
have a problem storing the Clover JAR for example.

So if Apache would let me store L/GPL jars, commercial artifacts and the
whole repository on their infrastructure then I'm all for using the
Apache infrastructure. I assumed this would not be possible but would be
willing to move the repository back to Apache hardware if this is

The infrastructure policies as far as I thought were incompatible with
the requirements of the Maven repository.

> and can't or won't comply with Apache 
> policies, 

I started removing the Sun violations and I just sent you another
message asking you to take on a maven repository admin role. Feel free
to find the violations and remove them with a notification on the
maven-user list. You are more license aware and can remove any problems
faster then any of us can.

As far as L/GPL jars go that's not something Maven controls. Projects
state their own dependencies and if an Apache project is violating
Apache policies how is that Maven's problem? If it was an Ant build that
used the <get/> task to link in an L/GPL jar is that Ant's problem?
Obviously not.

Maven can help identify license violations but it can't enforce them by
default without some additional checks added by individual projects. I
proposed a license element in the Maven POM so that tools can be made to
help identify problems.

> then why do you want Maven to be an Apache project?

The same reason I wrote Velocity, the same reason I whipped Turbine into
shape for its first release, the same reason I brought BCEL here, the
same reason I brought OJB here, the same reason I helped bring Lucene
here, the same reason I moderate 8 mailing lists, and the same reason I
am a cvs admin. I believe that Apache is a place where some of the best
software in the world can be created and I will put forth as much spare
time and energy as I can do help make good software.

The second I feel that the environment here at Apache has eroded to the
point where this is not possible I will not hesitate to propose movement
of the code to an environment conducive to the production of outstanding
software. I believe the environment here has the potential of becoming
seriously eroded by recent policies of heavy handed top-down control and
the philosophical visions of a few being forced on to the entire
committer base.

> - Sam Ruby
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Jason van Zyl

In short, man creates for himself a new religion of a rational
and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.
  -- Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society

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