[I'm sending this here, because I'm hoping someone is interested in
giving a presentation about Jakarta]

                            CALL FOR PAPERS
                      NLUUG Spring conference 2003

                            WEB APPLICATIONS
                Zen and the art of internet programming

           May 22, 2003, De Reehorst, Ede (Gld), Netherlands

The internet hype is over. These days the web is a common way to order
products, do banking and read the latest news. More and more users
expect to find the information they need on the internet. Providers also
see the advantages. Central application control with a globally
accessible user interface creates new and unexpected opportunities.

Development of good internet applications is not a simple thing.
Fortunately, there are a lot of resources. This conference will provide
an overview of the available languages, the tools that can be used to
make applications work and the supporting middleware. From commercial
systems that provide a complete solution to handy scripts that make
daily maintenance a lot easier.

The program committee is looking for presentations about positive and
negative experiences with web applications, especially in a Unix
environment. What are the problems that were encountered? What are the

Presentations and tutorials are being solicited in areas including, but
not limited to:

- (script) languages used on web sites: Python, PHP, Perl, etc.
- what is the best language for a certain application?
- use of databases
- client side solutions, such as Java and Javascript
- http servers and extensions: Apache, Zend, ISS, etc.
- interfacing between a web server and applications
- tools for the development of web applications: ColdFusion, Dreamweaver, etc.
- experience from the field
- security: ssl, certificates, cookies, etc.
- development of standards, such as XML and SOAP
- how about .NET?

The conference consists of presentations and a limited number of
tutorials. In a presentation the author presents his subject in about 40
minutes to the general audience. In a tutorial of up to three hours the
use of a tool or language is explained for a selected audience.

We invite everybody with an interesting tutorial or presentation to
submit an abstract before February 28, 2003. The abstracts will be
judged by the program committee. Abstracts can only be submitted through
the web:


The selected speakers have to submit a paper before April 15, 2003 for
publication in the conference proceedings. These papers will also be
available on the NLUUG website after the conference.

The main conference language is Dutch, tutorials and papers in English
are also welcome.

Important dates:

February 28, 2003 - deadline abstracts
   March 10, 2003 - notification to speakers
   April 15, 2003 - deadline papers

Questions about the conference and suggestions for speakers can be
e-mailed to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
212. Your Internet group window has more icons than your Accessories window.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://www.Moolenaar.net   \\\
///          Creator of Vim - Vi IMproved -- http://www.Vim.org          \\\
\\\              Project leader for A-A-P -- http://www.A-A-P.org        ///
 \\\     Help AIDS victims, buy at Amazon -- http://ICCF.nl/click1.html ///

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