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El miércoles, 10 dici, 2003, a las 09:37 Europe/Madrid, David Sean Taylor escribió:

I agree with David's evaluation of Jetspeed situation.

Yesterday I was looking at the committer list of (jakarta-) jetspeed, jetspeed-2 and pluto, and I found:

Project committers members
jakarta-jetspeed 19 5 (jetspeed 1 and 2 have the same set)
jakarta-pluto 22 6
ws-wsrp4j 27 20 (amazing ratio)

This is much more than I expected. Of course, a big part of this people is inactive, though it shows that the projects have been alive and evolving for a while.

Recently Roy T. Fielding posted that on average projects have only 20% of their committer base active at any given moment. This seems to be true here, also.

Also, people missing CLA:

- -bash-2.05b$ sh ../scripts/check-project-clas.sh jakarta-jetspeed

(same for jetspeed-2 and pluto)

- -bash-2.05b$ sh ../scripts/check-project-clas.sh ws-wsrp4j

I wrote some small oneliners/shell scripts to do the task (project-committers.sh, project-members.sh, asf-members.sh, check-project-clas.sh)

The latest committer Jung Yan does not (yet) appear.

    Santiago (amazed that I'm actually doing administrative work)

On Tuesday, December 9, 2003, at 07:13 AM, Danny Angus wrote:

Just for fun I thought I'd fill this out for the Jetspeed and Pluto projects (WSRP4J is another possibility).
We would like to start a TLP named 'portal.apache.org' including Jetspeed-1, Jetspeed-2 and Pluto, and other portal apps as they are developed.

1/ Community dynamic,
a) Is your community self sustaining and largely independant of other parts
of Jakarta?

Not the individuals, the community. Is it, for instance, so heavily
influenced by the direction of some other sub-project that membership of
both is virtually a pre-requisite for understanding.
b) Are many of your commiters also commiters of some other sub-project for
this, or similar, reasons?


2/ Project Management,
a) Does your sub-project need or get much direction from the Jakarta PMC
(or is it mostly handled by the comitters with lip service paid to the

no, lip service

3/ Community health,
a) Is your community highly dependant on one or two key people, or is
there a real mix of talent working as a team?
we are a small group. Jetspeed-2 is currently dependent on 3 people but we are getting more people active
We have a lot more active Jetspeed-1 people, but development has tapered off

b) Is there generally an amicable, if hotly debated, concensus?

yes i think so

4/ Infrastructure resources,
a) Does your sub-project have aspirations to own its own top-level
resources (cvs, mailing lists, wiki, web-site)?


5/ Product seperation,
a) Is your product tightly bound to other Jakarta sub-projects (excluding
commons) or does it only supply a need or consume deliverables in the usual
Jetspeed-1 is tied to Turbine
Pluto isn't tied to anything
Jetspeed-2 is dependent on OJB and we are seriously considering Merlin now

b) Does your sub-project contribute a lot of code to another, or receive a
lot of contributions from another Jakarta sub-project?

J2 and Pluto are closely tied, but Pluto is not dependent on J2

6/ Scope,
a) Has your sub-project outgrown it's original scope?

I think so.
New standards have appeared (Java Portlet Standard, WSRP)
and the portlet dev model has changed to a standardized portlet application model
with a clear delineation between portal, container and application

b) Does your sub-project have a need or desire to maintain it's own
sub-projects, incubate new ideas, or accept incubated projects from the

yes we do, see project list above

7/ a) Are there any compeling arguments which can be raised to support remaining within Jakarta?

Our list isn't very active compared to others, at least this is my perception, I could be wrong

Score 1 for each of the following answers:
1a yes
1b no
2a not much
3a real mix
3b generally amicable
4a yes
5a normal supply/consume relationship
5b not much direct contribution to or by other sub-projects
6a yes
6b yes
7a not really

Total 1-3 You probably belong here, consider staying.
Total 4-6 You might need to address some issues before you go.
Total 7-9 Promotion could be your path to further growth and maturity.
Total 10-11 You treat this place like a hotel, its time to think about what
you really want.

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