
I just had a Eureka moment, albeit a not very significant one, and I want
to brain dump...

I read this headine on TSS "The Apache Jakarta team announces Lucene 1.3

It set me to thinking about the issue of using "product" on the website
against the more correct, but less newbie friendly "sub-project" and the
notion that umbrella projects are not "well thought of", and how we should
be dealing with it.

So I though "Hey 'TEAM'" is a *great* word.

To deal with the first thing first, Team might be a better word than
Product for headings on the website, you decide.

Secondly I think if we're going to go down the route of a single inclusive
project (discussed here and elsewhere ad-nauseam) we can retain some degree
of concrete identity for the (former) sub-projects by introducing the
notion of "Teams" so that Jakarta would be The project, and we'd all be on
the PMC and possibly have Karma throughout, etc.etc.  but we would also
belong to those Teams that suit us, so we'd have the Tomcat Team, the POI
Team etc. which would restore the small but necessary degree of separation
which (IMO) we really do need for the sake of sanity.

A Team would be a weak association (unlike the strong association of a
commiter to a codebase) of commiters and non-comitter contributors  who are
actively working on a code module, this would help to maintain the
distinction between those who are actively involved in the work of a module
and those who are also Jakarta comitters but whos current efforts are
focused on other code.
In terms of releases, direction, and the election of new commiters Teams
would have informal decision making by voting, and a Team's vote would
influence the authoritative decision of the PMC,  remember that *all* of
the Teams' comitters would have a binding vote on the PMC by this stage.
(otherwise what is the point!)

Think of a Team as being little more than the equivalent of the status
file, a list of participants and their area of activity, but consider  that
the notion of Teams would give an identity to the group without creating
the barriers and heirarchy that the notion of Sub-project does but creating
just enough of a distinction to allow a small group to make progress within
the context of a large project.

Teams would not be static or slowly expanding clubs for every participant
ever, but would represent the code module and the fluctuating sub-set of
our community currently active on it, if you want to step aside for a
month, take your name off the list, come back and add yourself again.


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