Am 02.03.2004 um 03:06 schrieb Craig R. McClanahan:
Quoting Tetsuya Kitahata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On Mon, 1 Mar 2004 22:24:02 +0000
robert burrell donkin wrote:
i've had a quick google and i'm not sure that there's a consensus out
there on this. i like the idea of modifying the .vsl file and i'd be
inclined to add both formulations. maybe this would be a good question
to raise on community...

Go ahead. I suspect it that we should modify site.vsl in either case. :-)

If we decide to modify all the xml files in /xdocs/,
appending <link rel="license" href=""/>
line would be more practical ... under /document/properties/ element.
(generated htmls should have <meta> tag, <link> tag or something equivalent)

The instructions at the very end of
describe *exactly* what to do to documentation files, and adding a link in the
manner you described is the wrong answer.

The discussion was about including a link to the license in the generated HTML documents. That is totally independent of whether the boilerplate text is included as XML comment in the xdoc sources IMHO, which should be done anyway.

You're not saying that the boilerplate text should appear as comment in every generated HTML document, are you?

Christopher Lenz
/=/ cmlenz at

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