I'm +1 on this proposal, I think it makes sense for HiveMind to be a subproject of Jakarta and not a Jakarta Commons project.

Whether the source is stored in SVN or CVS should be a decision up to Howard and the relevant committers on the project.

Tim O'Brien

Howard M. Lewis Ship wrote:
Proposal for Jakarta HiveMind Project

(0) Rationale

HiveMind is a simple framework for creating pluggable, configurable, reusable services.

Simple: HiveMind is a way to create a network of services in terms of Java interfaces 
and classes;
it cherry picks the most useful ideas from Service Oriented Architectures such as 
J2EE, JMX and
SOAP, but removes the aspects that are typically overkill for most applications, such 
as service
remoteability and language neutrality. HiveMind creates a natural network of related 
services and
configuration data, all operating within a single JVM.

Pluggable: HiveMind enforces a complete separation of service definition and 
implementation. This is
manifested by a division of services into an interface definition and a service 
implementation as
well as a split between defining a service (as part of a HiveMind module) and 
providing the
implementation of that service (potentially, in a different module).

Configurable: HiveMind integrates a service oriented architecture to a sophisticated 
architecture; the configuration architecture is adapted from the Eclipse plug-in 
model, wherein
modules may define configuration extension points and multiple modules may provide 
contributions to
those extension points.

Reusable: HiveMind is a framework and container, but not an application. The HiveMind 
framework and
the services it provides may be easily combined with application-specific services and
configurations for use in disparate applications.

The API for HiveMind allows thread-safe, easy access to services and configurations 
with a minimal
amount of code. The value-add for HiveMind is not just runtime flexibility: it is 
overall developer
productivity. HiveMind systems will entail less code; key functionality that is 
frequently an
after-thought, such as parsing of XML configuration files, logging of method 
invocations, and lazy
creation of services, is handled by the HiveMind framework in a consistent, robust, and
well-documented manner.

HiveMind fits into an area that partially overlaps the Apache Avalon project, with 
differences. HiveMind's concept of a distributed configuration is unique among the 
available service
microkernels (Avalon, Keel, Spring, PicoContainer, etc.). Avalon is firmly rooted in a 
Lookup pattern (whereby collaborating services must explicitly, in code, resolve 
between each other using a lookup pattern similar to JNDI). HiveMind uses the 
Dependency Injection
pattern, whereby the framework (acting as container) creates connections between 
services by setting
properties of the services (property injection) or making use of particular 
constructors for the
services (constructor injection).

HiveMind represents a generous donation of code to the ASF by WebCT 
(http://www.webct.com). HiveMind
originated from internal requirements for a flexible, loosely-coupled configuration 
management and
services framework for WebCT's industry-leading flagship enterprise e-learning 
product, Vista.
Several individuals in WebCT's research and development team in addition to Mr. Howard 
Lewis Ship
contributed to the requirements and concepts behind HiveMind's current set of 
including Martin Bayly, Diane Bennett, Bill Bilic, Michael Kerr, Prashant Nayak, Bill 
Richard and
Ajay Sharda. HiveMind is already in use as a significant part of Vista.

(1) Scope of the package

The package shall entail a core framework JAR (containing essential classes and 
services), a
standard library JAR (containing generically useful services), along with ancillary 
artifacts such
as Ant tasks and/or Maven plug-ins and, of course, documentation, all distributed 
under the Apache
Software License.

(1.1) Interaction with other packages

HiveMind has dependencies on several standard commons packages, including commons-lang 

HiveMind makes use of the Javassist bytecode generation library, which is available 
under the MPL
(Mozilla public license).

(2) Identify the initial source for the package

The initial code base has been developed by Howard M. Lewis Ship within the Jakarta 


Note: HiveMind was originally considered for inclusion as part of Jakarta commons. 
research has shown that HiveMind is not a suitable candidate for the commons, and is 
appropriate for a top-level Jakarta project.

(2.1) Identify the base name for the package


(2.2) Identify the coding conventions for this package

The code follows a modified version of Sun's standard coding conventions, with the 
stylistic changes:
- instance variables are prefixed with an underscore
- a newline is inserted before all braces

(3) Identify any Jakarta resources to be created

(3.1) mailing lists

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- User discussions
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Developer discussions and CVS update notifications

(3.2) CVS repositories

The package shall use a root branch of the jakarta-hivemind CVS repository.
(3.3) Jira

The package shall be listed as top level project, "Jakarta HiveMind", within the 
"Jakarta" category.
It shall use the key "HIVEMIND".

(3.4) Wiki

A moinmoin wiki shall be created, as http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta-hivemind

(4) Identify the initial set of committers to be listed in the Status File.

Howard M. Lewis Ship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Prashant Nayak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Harish Krishnaswamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Knut Wannheden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This list represents the most active HiveMind participants within WebCT and on the 
Jakarta Commons
Developer mailing list. Notably, Mr.s Krishnaswamy and Wannheden, among others, have 
already been
actively mentoring other interested users on the commons-dev mailing list in how to 
use HiveMind as
well as contributing design ideas and patches to the framework itself.

Howard M. Lewis Ship
Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
Creator, Tapestry: Java Web Components http://howardlewisship.com

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