On Sun, 11 Jul 2004, robert burrell donkin

> i'm happy for discussion to continue on this list

I feel more comfortable to do so, but that may be a personal thing.
Discussions need to get the use of "I" to stick to a name and the Wiki
really doesn't make this easy.

I tend to disagree with your assertion that PGP signtures are less
important than MD5 signatures.  But then again, given how badly
connected the PGP keys used to sign most Jakarta releases are, you are
probably correct.  A signature by a key that hasn't been signed by
anybody else isn't much better than a MD5 hash.

BTW, I just now realized that we have a couple of releases that are
neither PGP signed nor accompanied by MD5 hashes, this should be
strongly discouraged IMHO.  In particular since Ant supports
generation of MD5 hashes since a few years now - and so does Maven.

Instead of shortening the section by moving PGP, I'd rather move the
whole section to the bottom of the page and just link it from the top
(see the Ant page for an example).

But this is hardly the only text at the top of the page that could
easily be moved in order to make the actual download links more

Thge description of the various types of downloads we provide could
appear at the individual sections - so we don't talk about milestone
and test builds to people who are really just interested in the
"latest thing".

We don't need to point to the news page/sites at all IMHO, that's
inside the navigation anyway.  And people who are interested in
announcements will find the mailing list page by following the link in
the navigation as well.

Finally I'd move the section about archived builds to the bottom as
well.  Thinking about it, I should probably mock up a design to show
what I mean, will do so next week unless I get shot down before 8-)

The tabular view you envision may really be more appropriate than the
long list we have right now.  I wouldn't link the project names to the
KEYS files, though, at least to me the connection wouldn't be obvious.


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