On 12/10/2004, at 11:00 PM, Shapira, Yoav wrote:


The folks at JPackage.org already track several Jakarta projects and
issue RPMs for them: for example, they've been doing this with Tomcat
for a long time. We appreciate their work. We've spoken on the
tomcat-dev list about issuing our own RPMs, and I think it was Costin
(Manolache) who was very interested and knowledgable in this area, so he
might be a good person to ask if you're interested in more Jakarta/RPM

Hi Yoav et al,
Is there good information around somewhere about how to make RPMs for Java libraries? For instance, HttpClient provides nothing by itself and should be put into the classpath of each project you need to use it with. It's not a good idea for installers to put things into the extensions directory of the JRE because it can cause conflicts, hides the fact that the jar has to be redistributed with the application and the installer likely has no idea with JVM it needs to install into anyway.

So given that, is it useful to have RPMs for Java libraries and if so, how should they be packaged?

My personal opinion is that Java libraries should be packaged as tar.gz and .zip archives complete with documentation as well as a plain jar file if it's totally standalone (though that's not essential). I've never wanted an installer and always actively avoid them for libraries. Complete programs (eg: tomcat and maven) on the other hand I'm all for having an installer for and thus RPMs would be great.



Adrian Sutton.
Intencha "tomorrow's technology today"
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