Date: 2004-12-11T18:02:14
   Editor: HenriYandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaBoardReport-December2004

   Added final blurb, before sending in to the board

Change Log:

@@ -2,9 +2,17 @@
 === Status ===
- * ORO and the Velocity modules migrated to SVN.
- * Clover license for all of ASF.
- * Being able to use LGPL is an important issue. Came up both with a desire to 
use Hibernate and Dumbster (for unit tests in Commons-Email), Dumbster 
relicenced under ASL 2.0, and also with JGraph, which dual-licenced with MPL in 
order to allow us to use it, though the move for this did not come from within 
our community.
+The last three months have seen the first migrations from CVS to SVN in the 
Jakarta project with the ORO and Velocity projects moving over. More projects 
are expected to move over in the next quarter, with ECS and Commons being the 
first two targetted. 
+The board suggested that the previous report needed more sub-project news, and 
so for this reoprt any sub-project that has a release, or a change in status, 
needs to supply a short piece of text on the current situation for that part of 
Jakarta. The community has responded very well and the chair has not had to 
write any of the subproject section this time around.
+Being able to use LGPL has been brought up a few times in the last quarter. It 
has come up with a desire to use Hibernate in various codebases and Dumbster 
for unit tests in Commons-Email. Dumbster relicenced under ASL 2.0 wihle 
Hibernate use is still unsolved. Linked to this was a similar issue with 
JGraph, which dual-licenced with MPL in order to allow us to use it, though the 
move for this did not come from within the Jakarta community afaik. I'll be 
aiming to report back to the community on the status of this issue in the week 
after the next board meeting.
+On the licence side, a Commons component (VFS) wishes to have a component 
which depends on a Novell licence. We're currently treating this as similar to 
Sun's licensing for JavaMail. Imports allowed, but no jars in CVS or iBiblio.
+Additionally, we have a Clover license for use by Jakarta (and the rest of the 
ASF). This should make it easier for us to show the high level of our unit 
+In terms of releases, the major points of this quarter's releases are a set of 
1.0's from the Commons sub-project (Math, Configuration, Jelly-RC1, Chain) 
which shows that the Commons community continues to grow, and the stable Tomcat 
5.5 release, our most popular product.
 === Possible plans for the next quarter ===

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