Thought I'd sum up the current situation with respect to subversion migrations:

* Alexandria (do we bother? straight to archives?) * BCEL * BSF * Cactus * Commons TODO. Martin Cooper + Tim O'Brien. * ECS TODO. Robert Burell Donkin. * HiveMind * JMeter * Lucene * ORO DONE. * POI * Regexp * Slide * Taglibs * Tapestry * Tomcat * Turbine * Velocity DONE. Needs modification. Daniel Rall. * Watchdog * Site2

with the assumption that each one would be a subdirectory under jakarta/ in svn.

Obviously there are other cvs modules to worry about, but the above seems the simplest to start with. For Alexandria, Watchdog, JServ, Site, others, I suspect we'll want to talk with Infrastructure about a dead projects archive in svn at the top level. I'll take care of that soonish.

What I'd like to do is ask for is volunteers to take care of organising the migration from CVS to SVN of each of the above. Also, we might as well get over any doubts on whether we want to goto SVN at this time.

So, volunteers?


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