Hi Henri,

Thanks for a whole bunch of stuff to discuss!  I guess the logo issue
should be put top priority.
# Actually, I didn't realize we had an English top page until you
pointed it out.  :)

We'll get back to you in a while...
Until then,

On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 21:52:10 -0500 (EST), Henri Yandell
> On Mon, 10 Jan 2005, Shinobu Kawai wrote:
> > Hi Henri,
> >
> >> Trademarks/branding also worry me a bit. Do we have to do anything to give
> >> you permission to use the Feather etc (Apache have been increasingly
> >> protecting it recently). If we stick with the current l&f, it looks like
> >> an Apache site, but with no actual affiliation to Apache, so I suspect
> >> that someday I'll get a browbeating from the board.
> >
> > When you said "use the Feather", did you mean the use of the Jakarta
> > logo (http://jakarta.apache.org/images/jakarta-logo.gif) or the actual
> > feather in the image of the Ja-Jakarta logo
> > (http://www.jajakarta.org/images/jajakarta.png)?  Maybe both?
> Yep, both pretty much. As far as I understand, trademarks and logos etc
> need to be actively defended to keep them; so while there's no obvious
> issue with you guys using it, somebody who is using it for evil purposes
> can point to your use and claim that Apache is not defending its brand
> properly. I assume the solution is for us to make sure there's permission
> for you to use the logo etc.
> > One more question.  Are there any restrictions to using jakarta-site2
> > (or a modification of it) to build sites for non-ASF projects?  If
> > not, I don't see any problems with having the same l&f.  Or am I
> > missing a point?
> No problem with using it I think, the only issues that need to be figured
> out properly are the branding/logos, I think. I've a fair number of
> suggestions for, at least, the English translation of your homepage to do
> with trying to avoid confusion on the navigation, I'll add some to the end
> of this email.
> My current thoughts are that the best way for translation sites to
> continue are much along the lines that they currently do. Largely
> independent communities who are helping to spread the Apache/Jakarta
> brand.
> We would ensure that there is a liaison to the Apache/Jakarta community
> (for example I would put your name/email down somewhere as the liaison to
> the JaJakarta group); we would get the ASF legal people to write something
> simple giving permission to 'use the feather' and the name 'jakarta'
> provided a timely response to requests; and we'd link to your site from
> ours. I need to pitch this idea to the pmc/board etc, but it seems
> reasonable.
> --
> Suggestions for JaJakarta:
> This is from the English page as I don't speak any Japanese, but a lot of
> it may carry over. First off, some suggestions of improvements to the
> text:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Welcome to the Ja-Jakarta Project
>     The Ja-Jakarta project is a Japanese user group who use various
> Java products provided by the Apache Software Foundation, in particular
> its Jakarta project.
> Our purpose is to:
>     * Translate Jakarta documentation into Japanese
>     * Internationalize Apache products and provide feedback them to the
> Jakarta project
>     * Promote Jakarta products in Japan
> About Our Web Site
>     The content of our web site is written in Japanese. If you would
> like to see it, you should add "ja (japanese)" to your web browser's
> language setting (Firefox users need to install a "Language Menu"
> extension.).
>     The Japanese top page is here.
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Hoepfully that's all okay. Just a bit of improvement with regards to the
> bastard child of French and German that we all know as English.
> The navbar is where I'm concerned there is going to be confusion between
> Jakarta and JaJakarta:
> s/Check it out!!/News/
> s/News/JaJakarta News/
> s/Subprojects/Translations/
> The names of the Apache projects should be more detailed nowadays. Apache
> Ant, Jakarta Cactus, Apache Struts, Jakarta Velocity etc.
> Although it adds to the length, it would be nice to have changes (at least
> for the English version) for:
> s/Get Involved/Get Involved in JaJakarta/
> s/Project Management/JaJakarta Management/
> The Jakarta News page (honke.html) hasn't had an update since last May.
> The favicon.ico would probably be better if it was the pink flower and not
> pikachu (or something that looks similar at this screen size :) ).
> Lastly, the book advert is a little out of character for an Apache
> project. It does list JaJakarta as one of the authors, which is pretty
> cool, but aren't there other Japanese books on Apache Java projects that
> you could list too? Even if you list JaJakarta first. Basically looking to
> make sure you can't be accused of using the Apache brand to sell the book.
> --------------
> Thoughts?
> Hen

Best regards,
-- Shinobu

Shinobu "Kawai" Yoshida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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