
    I'm a developer on the FindBugs project (on SF id=3Ddbrosius) which heavily 
uses the jakarta project BCEL. It would appear that the set of committers for 
BCEL are either operating at a very intermittant basis, or have all wondered 
off completely. I have submitted various patches to bugzilla for BCEL and am 
interested in helping to maintain and move the library forward. I would like to 
get committer status if that's possible, but again the one gentleman I was able 
to track down from an old "Contributors.xml" file I found, says that only one 
guy is sort-of involved anymore, and he hasn't been able to contact him. 
Apparently others have expressed interest, but with no one home to say yeah, or 
ney, there has been no movement. So anyway, I hope this is the right place to 
send this. If not, if someone could suggest how to go about being added to the 
project, I'd appreciate that.

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