On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 00:49:08 -0500 (EST), Henri Yandell
> Interested in finding out if anyone else thinks this would be a good idea.
> Rather than have each subproject managing their release javadocs
> separately, I think it would be good if we treated the javadoc more like
> the releases. Located in a central location, perhaps mirrored, all
> versions available and perhaps with additional tools like ashkelon or
> multidoc to bring them together.

Sounds good to me (assuming you mean all *released* versions
available). On download pages, we could have binaries, sources and
javadocs, with options for javadocs being download or view online (a
bit like Sun's download pages). We might not need to mirror right away
- we could wait to see how much this gets used.

I'm not familiar with ashkelon or multidoc. What would they bring to the party?

Martin Cooper

> Subprojects would still be hosting their latest cvs head javadocs
> internally, but they would deploy a versioned javadoc as a part of
> releasing, and we wouldn't end up with the issue where users cannot view
> the latest released javadoc due to a site rebuild etc.
> Javadoc seems less important for some projects, Taglibs and Tomcat leap to
> mind, so it may not apply for all (though seeing a tag doc in javadoc
> style would rock).
> Anyway. Looking for community interest. If there, I'd make it my 2005 Q2
> task, probably along with trying to hassle on LGPL stuff again.
> As it's my current weapon of choice, I'd probably end up with an xml/xslt
> solution much like the download stuff, so feel free to point out that that
> wasy crap.
> Hen
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