hi andreas

you'll probably get a faster response if you post this question to the
tomcat user list. please read http://jakarta.apache.org/site/mail.html.

- robert

On Sun, 2005-06-05 at 12:54 +0200, Andreas Bauer wrote:
> Hello!
> Can somebody help me, please?
> My OS is Suse 9.2 pro. Apache and Tomcat work for me.
> But If I start Apache with normal httpd.conf, Apache works for me.
> If I paste my lines for Apache-Tomcat Connection, Apache doesn't
> work for me, only Tomcat. It must be something wrong with this lines, but
> the same lines in httpd.conf
> in a windows XP Tomcat-Apache configuration works for me:
> The pasted lines in httpd.conf are:
> LoadModule jk2_module modules/mod_jk2.so
> <Location "/*.jsp">
> JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009
> </Location>
> <Location "/mywebapp">
> JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009
> </Location>
> The Tomcat Connector Modul mod_jk2.so is in the rigth directory
> and Apache doesn't send an errormessage,, because of the module, when I
> start Apache from the commandoline. If I took another Tomcatconnectormodul,
> I got errormessage.
> With the old one, not.
> My jk2.properties is:
> TOMCAT_DIR/conf/jk2.properties, adding the following line:
> channelSocket.port=8009
> Configuration of server.xml is:
> server.xml configuration from Tomcat/conf directory:
> look for the "non-SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector". This is
> the standard Tomcat-only connector and comment it out since we'll be using
> Apache for handling HTTP requests. In the same file, look for a commented
> line that says "<Context path="" docBase="ROOT" debug="0">". Right after
> that line, add the following Context path:
> <Context path="" docBase="APACHE_DIR/htdocs" debug="0" reloadable="true"
> crossContext="true"/>
> Workers2.properties is:
> APACHE_DIR/conf directory/workers2.properties:
> [shm]
>   file=APACHE_DIR/logs/shm.file
>   size=1048576
> # socket channel
>   [channel.socket:localhost:8009]
>   port=8009
>   host=
> # worker for the connector
>   [ajp13:localhost:8009]
>   channel=channel.socket:localhost:8009
> The working script is from
> <http://www.dynamicobjects.com/d2r/archives/002574.html>
> http://www.dynamicobjects.com/d2r/archives/002574.html
> The same T-A Connector Configuration with a windows Connector Module works
> for me in a windows system.
> Best regards and many thanks
> Andreas

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