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The following page has been changed by HenriYandell:

The comment on the change is:
Wrapping this into an email to the board and jakarta/site page.

- = Jakarta Report =
+ [in process of being sent to board and put on jakarta-site. Mail [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] if this proves problematic]
- == June 2005 ==
- === Status ===
- The major change for Jakarta this quarter is the promotion of Jakarta Tomcat 
to Apache Tomcat, the next quarter should see this being reflected on the 
website, mailing lists etc.
- Last quarter saw a kickstart of the dormant BCEL subproject, which has seen 
some minor improvements. Oversight is improved, bugs are being fixed and some 
planning of the BCEL future has occurred.
- The dormant BSF subproject has recently kickstarted itself, as may be seen 
from the new committers listed below.  Discussion is increased, though PMC 
oversight will need to be confirmed/improved in the next quarter.
- Subversion migrations continue to move onwards, the ratio for subprojects is 
10 in SVN to 7 in CVS.
- There is a proposal to create a new subproject to contain 'webapp 
components'; small plugin features for servlet containers (such as Tomcat). 
Various proposals for Commons components and the Taglibs subproject are the 
- ==== Goals for Q3 2005 ====
-  * JCS and HttpClient still need to reflect their move to subproject level.
-  * Taglibs, JCS, Cactus SVN migrations.
-  * Tomcat to reflect their move to TLP.
- === Releases ===
- ==== June ====
-  * 16 June 2005 - Commons-Jelly 1.0 Released
-  * 13 June 2005 - Commons-Lang 2.1 Released
-  * 12 June 2005 - Commons-Digester 1.7 Released 
-  * 03 June 2005 - Commons-Transaction 1.1 Released 
- ==== May ====
-  * 25 May 2005 - Commons-VFS graduated from Sandbox to Commons-Proper
-  * 19 May 2005 - Commons-Daemon 1.0.1 Released
-  * 17 May 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-alpha-3 Released
-  * 07 May 2005 - Commons-Net 1.4.0 Released
-  * 06 May 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-alpha-2 Released
- ==== April ====
-  * 29 April 2005 - HiveMind 1.1-beta-1 Released
-  * 11 April 2005 - Tomcat 5.5.9 stable Released
-  * 10 April 2005 - Commons HttpClient 3.0rc2 Released
-  * 2 April 2005 - Commons Configuration 1.1 Released
- ==== March ====
-  * 29 March 2005 - Tapestry 3.0.3 Released
-  * 27 March 2005 - Tomcat 5.5.9-alpha Released
-  * 25 March 2005 - HiveMind 1.1-alpha-3 Released 
- === Community changes ===
- ==== New ASF Members ====
-  * 26 May 2005 - Robert Burrell Donkin
-  * 26 May 2005 - Vincent Massol
-  * 26 May 2005 - Henri Yandell
- ==== New Committers ====
-  * 23 April 2005 - Magnus Grimsell - Cactus
-  * 4 May 2005 - Rony G. Flatscher - BSF
-  * 27 May 2005 - Nandika Jayawardana - BSF
-  * 27 May 2005 - Sanka Samaranayake - BSF
-  * 9 June 2005 - Nick Burch - POI
-  * 17 June 2005 - Amol Deshmukh - POI
- === Infrastructure news ===
- SVN Migrations:
-  * ECS complete.
-  * BSF complete.
-  * Hivemind complete.
-  * Slide in process.
-  * Velocity repo re-organized into a hierarchical fashion.
- === Subproject news ===
- (based on projects that have had a notable event, ie) release, change of 
location within Jakarta)
- ==== Commons-Configuration ====
- The 1.1 release of Configuration contains a couple of bug fixes and 
introduces some new features like web configurations, optional configurations, 
or basic reloading support. In the future we plan to further enhance these 
features and to perform some refactoring.
- ==== Commons-Daemon ====
- Daemon had release 1.0.1, after more than a year after 1.0.0. Stop and wait 
(until started) features have been
- added; Known bugs have been fixed.
- ==== Commons-Digester ====
- Digester had release 1.7, about 9 months after 1.6. The changes are pretty 
small; Digester is now a very stable library.
- ==== Commons-HttpClient ====
- 3.0 RC2 fixed a number of bugs and we will be having one more RC release 
shortly as a few more have popped up.  Jakarta HttpClient is starting to come 
together in SVN.  This work has been lead by Oleg Kalinchevski and it's looking 
really good.  HttpClient 4.0 should prove to be a really flexible, reusable, 
and powerful release.
- ==== Commons-Jelly ====
- The previous release of Jelly had proven to be stable for several months, and 
after the memory leak was corrected and underwent sufficient testing, it was 
decided to release version 1.0 as a stable base on June 16. This is the first 
stable release of Jelly.
- ==== Commons-Lang ====
- Lang 2.1 was released. It contains several bug fixes, a package name change 
for compatiblity with JDK 1.5, a new mutables package, and several new utility 
classes and methods.
- ==== Commons-Logging ====
- No release yet, but work continues on commons-logging. Hopefully a new 
release will be out within the next few months to address the long-term user 
complaints about classloader issues when using commons-logging in containers.
- ==== Commons-Net ====
- Commons-Net 1.4.0 was released which contains a brand new date handling 
mechanism. It also now contains an FTP parser for MVS, and the variety of date 
formats which the FTP client can handle has been extended. 
- ==== Commons-Transaction ====
- Transaction had a final 1.1 which includes new features like deadlock 
detection, more locking types and fixing of some oddities from 1.0.
- ==== Commons-VFS ====
- This is the first Borad Report with VFS out of sandbox. The decision to cut a 
release now has been delayed as a bug report uncovered a problem with filename 
encoding which needs to be solved.
- ==== HiveMind ====
- HiveMind 1.1 has reached its first beta release; in addition, we've switched 
over to Subversion for source code control.  We're in the
- process of voting in a new commiter, Achim Hugen.
- ==== Tapestry ====
- The upcoming release has been renumbered from 3.1 to 4.0.  We have released 
additional alpha releases of 4.0 and are very close to a first beta release, 
which will include
- portlet support and JDK 1.5 annotation support. Meanwhile, the 3.0.3 bug fix 
release closed an annoying security gap.
- ==== Tomcat ====
- This has been an active quarter for Tomcat.  Work has been focused on the 5.5 
branch, which had several releases targeted at increased reliability, 
performance, documentation, and bug fixing.  The 5.5.9 release was voted stable 
in mid-April, and has been gathering good reviews from users since then: in 
fact, no significant issues have been found with it.
- In May, the Apache Software Foundation's Board of Directors also approved the 
Tomcat team' request to be moved out of Jakarta into its own top-level project. 
 Accordingly, this is the last Jakarta board report which will include Tomcat: 
watch for the Tomcat PMC to address its own reports to the board as required by 
foundation bylaws.  The Tomcat team would like to thank the Jakarta community 
for its outstanding support over the years: we plan to continue working 
together tightly on issues and projects of mutual interest.
- ==== Velocity ====
- Migration from Bugzilla to Jira approved.  OSGi packaging contributed for 
Velocity core.

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