   I am Samit Jain, currently a Masters student in Computer Science
at Columbia University. The main goal of my project I am working on
(as part of the Google Summer of Code program) is to implement
RFC2965 Cookie Specification and integrate it into HttpClient 3.0.
The project has been progressing very well. Some of the discussion
about the project can be found at httpclient-dev apache mailing
list. I am developing the project against the latest code base of
HttpClient 3.0. I am also maintaining a parallel code base at
sourceforge - https://sourceforge.net/projects/httpc-cookie2/.

1. Design and Development Plan: This was completed earlier this
month. After reviewing the RFC 2965, I spent some time
understanding the differences between RFC 2965 and RFC 2109 and how
the former offers more flexible cookie handling. I also did some
research into existing implementations of RFC 2965. I came up with
a design and development plan for my project, which was approved by
other developers in the group. I started development by enumerating
the various test cases for this module and writing corresponding
unit tests in JUnit. I then proceeded to implement the cookie
management policy.

2. Cookie Management in accordance with RFC 2965: This section
covers different parts of implementation.

  a. Cookie Parsing: Implementation is complete. Currently I am
testing it and fixing a few bugs.

  b. Cookie Validation: Implementation is complete. Currently I am
testing it and fixing a few bugs.

  c. Cookie Matching: Unit tests written.

  d. Cookie Formatting: Not started.

3. Integration with HttpClient 3.0: This module will be integrated
into HttpClient once it is developed and tested independently.

4. Integration tests : These will be written after integration.

It is a great experience to be working on an open source project
with other developers. This project has enhanced my interested into
open source development and I look forward to contributing to other
open source projects in the future.

Samit Jain
Masters Student, Columbia University

Quoting Ortwin Glück <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Samit,
> Could you please write a short progress report to
> general@jakarta.apache.org
> See the end of the included message for details.
> Thanks
> Ortwin Glück
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Summer of Code
> Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 00:01:14 -0400
> From: Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Ortwin Glück <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Phil Steitz
> Quick note:
> As far as I can quickly tell (ie without actually looking), the
> two of
> you are the mentors for the Jakarta SoC projects. I know Al Chou
> is as
> well for the Math ones Phil, but your email address popped up
> easiest.
> I think the PMC is supposed to be maintaining oversight over the
> Jakarta SoC projects, probably more obvious on the smaller TLPs.
> Any
> chance the two of you could send a report to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on
> the
> current status for your SoC?
> Who the students are, what the topics are, how it's going so far,
> what
> the deadlines are etc. Feel free to use the students to create
> the
> report too, good experience of one of the things that
> differentiates
> the ASF.
> Just a suggestion really, but I think it makes sense.
> Hen

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