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The following page has been changed by YoavShapira:

The comment on the change is:
Genesis of Silk

     * Bloc - "The Web Bloc"
   * What about something less definite and more "code word"?  What about not 
having the word "web"? "Arctic" or "Telsa" or something completely meaningless 
but catchier than "Web .*$"
   * Apache Silk (silk is what webs are made from)
- ---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ----
-    * Since this is looking like the likely choice in our currently ongoing 
vote, I'd like to fill in a bit of history for the name.  We get asked all the 
time where Tomcat, Struts, and other project names came from.  I suggested 
"Apache Spider Web" for this project because I thought the other names were too 
normal, too corporate, and a bit boring.  Henri thought Spider Web was a bit 
ominous and had negative connotations, but that idea inspired his Silk 
suggestion, which everyone (including me) loves.  There, now we actually have a 
documented history for how a project got its name before the project is popular 
+    * Since this is looking like the likely choice in our currently ongoing 
vote, I'd like to fill in a bit of history for the name.  We get asked all the 
time where Tomcat, Struts, and other project names came from.  I (Yoav) 
suggested "Apache Spider Web" for this project because I thought the other 
names were too normal, too corporate, and a bit boring.  Henri thought Spider 
Web was a bit ominous and had negative connotations, but that idea inspired his 
Silk suggestion, which everyone (including me) loves.  There, now we actually 
have a documented history for how a project got its name before the project is 
popular ;)
  This will probably need to be settled on the list. 
WebCommonsNameRequestForComments (create as needed).
- ---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ----
-    * Since this is looking like the likely choice in our currently ongoing 
vote, I'd like to fill in a bit of history for the name.  We get asked all the 
time where Tomcat, Struts, and other project names came from.  I suggested 
"Apache Spider Web" for this project because I thought the other names were too 
normal, too corporate, and a bit boring.  Henri thought Spider Web was a bit 
ominous and had negative connotations, but that idea inspired his Silk 
suggestion, which everyone (including me) loves.  There, now we actually have a 
documented history for how a project got its name before the project is popular 
- This will probably need to be settled on the list. 
WebCommonsNameRequestForComments (create as needed).
- ---- /!\ '''End of edit conflict''' ----

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