This question would be better asked on the tomcat-user mailing list...

On 24/08/05, Davide Frigerio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>    I would you like to know if it is possibile in Tomcat to share the
> same directory between two different web application?
> Thanks,
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Davide Ing. Frigerio
> Wise-Lab S.r.l.
> c/o Polo Regionale di Como - Politecnico di Milano
> P.le Gerbetto, 6  -  22100 Como (Italy)
> Tel: +39 031 332 7362 - Fax: +39 031 332 7321
> Email: davide.frigerio/at/
> Web: -
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