Henri Yandell wrote:


It would be great if we could get a consensus on what an "umbrella"
 is and

An umbrella is a joining of disjoint communities under a common TLP. A non-umbrella is one in which the whole project is a part of the same community.

Nice definition. Thanks.

The biggest problem with Jakarta currently is that we've become increasingly disjoint. In many ways we are less healthy than we were 4 years ago. We have less projects, but much less in the way of intersection between communities. We've replaced a 7 person sub-board
 with a single chair [though there is now quite a clear direction for
 that single chair].

Thanks again. So the real problem is "disjointness."  It seems then that
we have three logical alternatives:

0) Full disintegration - all projects (incl j-c) become TLPs or die and
Jakarta effectively dies as a concept.

1) "Commons or bust" - lump small components (e.g. BCEL, ORO) into j-c
and move the others (e.g. Tapestry, Jmeter, Cactus) to TLP.  Keep
jakarta-general around and the Jakarta site for general Java
community-building across apache.

2) Re-aggregate - divide Jakarta up into a small number of "cohesive"
aggregates. Its not clear to me how this would work or if this kind of
"encouraged merging" is a good idea; but it is logically the same sort
of thing that you are hinting at in 1).

0) seems a shame from the "Java community" and "Jakarta brand" (whatever
that means) standpoint; but may be the most reasonable thing to do.  My
concern with 1) is that j-c is already having trouble scaling and I am
not so sure that once things are merged in (or out) there is anything
substantial left for "Jakarta" to be (i.e., I am having a hard time
seeing the real practical difference between 0) and 1)).  I have to
confess to having no idea how to do 2), but maybe others in the
community do - ideally people working on projects that might want to


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