Hello Ortwin,

* You mention "problems with JSP". What are they?
At first I tried to use JSP without any framework or taglib. In contrast to templates JSP doesn't help much on seperating logic and html code, because you still need comparatively much code to iterate over Lists, or print out some text.
And I could not get used to the Model View Controller concept.

* Which frameworks do you mean and what's the problem with them?
I tried many of these GUI-Like Frameworks at first, but well I wanted to create a small Discussion Forum, and these Frameworks have not matched this target. I also gave Tapestry a try. I really liked it, but I dont like this Action, Objects and Methods instead of Pages and URLs concept. The most other frameworks I tried implemented the MVC pattern and used a lot of xml configuration, and looked to me very complicated.

* What does you framework make better?
Well I dont know if it is a subjective opinion of mine, but my target is to make the development as easy as possible. I had this framework in a slightly different form nearly completly implemented, used it and tried to make it easier whereever it was possible. It was easy to implement a component that displays a paged dataset, and reuse it with just one or two lines in the template. Then my laptop HDD crashed and my last backup was a few weeks ago, so I decided to reimplement it, and add a few new concepts. I found it just -easy- to create pages with that framework, and when i look at other framework i dont think that i would like them as much as i liked my framework (well that is pretty much a subjective oppinion of mine, but I find it hard to explain without examples).

* Why do you invent a proprietary XML scripting facility? JSTL is
standard and there are numerous development tools readily available.
I havent looked at JSTL that much, because it has gone to the trash in my brain just with jsp. I just looked around and think that i really should try to use it instead of implementing my own template engine.

well you dont disencourage me, but you make me think of special topic of the framework, and that really helped me. thanks.

I hope that I get more comments on this


Please pardon me for my basic english.


I don't want to discourage you. But I fail to see any of the following:

* You mention "problems with JSP". What are they?
* Which frameworks do you mean and what's the problem with them?
* What does you framework make better?
* Why do you invent a proprietary XML scripting facility? JSTL is standard and there are numerous development tools readily available.

Ortwin Glück

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