On Wed, 2006-01-25 at 17:53 -0500, Rahul Akolkar wrote:
> Noticed two pending(?) changes when I built the site.
>  * Velocity folks: downloads_velocity-engine.html and
> ownloads_velocity-tools.html are generated but not in repository.d

We only reference and use the downloads_velocity.cgi and ...html. If
these files are still generated, then they are no longer used/needed.

        Best regards

Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Henning P. Schmiedehausen          INTERMETA GmbH
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        +49 9131 50 654 0   http://www.intermeta.de/

      RedHat Certified Engineer -- Jakarta Turbine Development
   Linux, Java, perl, Solaris -- Consulting, Training, Engineering

       He said: "I'm not the kind you have to wind up on Sundays"

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