What we did with Lucene was to move the hard-coded committer maintained list of projects and products that use Lucene to the wiki.

Let the community self-maintain this sort of thing.

+1 to moving it to the Jakarta wiki.


On Feb 7, 2006, at 8:17 PM, Henri Yandell wrote:

As per the previous email, I'd like to raise the question of killing the vendor support page. With Tomcat moving to TLP, there's even less Jakarta support here than before. Mainly it's Ant, Struts, Log4j, Tomcat and HTTP Server.

Alternatively, we could attempt to make it a Java support page for Apache products, or even talk to someone - probably the board, maybe prc - about having an Apache version of this. However, I think that doing it ourselves is probably outside our scope and I suspect there won't be a huge amount of interest Apache-wide to having such a database of vendors.

Any thoughts?


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