On 2/8/06, John Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to learn java struts and an old Jakarta Struts book is telling
> me to go to jakarta.apache.org for the jakarta struts binary.  When I go
> there there's no mention of such under downloads. There's just "Struts"
> under Ex-Jakarta, and when I go there, there's numerous downloads besides
> Jakarta Struts Binary.
> How can I get the Jakarta Struts binary for Windows?

Struts is no longer part of Jakarta, so it's now Apache Struts. If you're
just starting to learn Struts, you'll probably want to start with our most
recent GA release, which is Struts 1.2.8. You can find that on the Struts
downloads page, here:


For documentation, you'll want the corresponding release web site, here:


Hope that helps.

Martin Cooper

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