On Tue, 7 Mar 2006, Yoav Shapira wrote:


Yoav (who still bristles at the name Jakarta X Components -- we need
to get creative!)

Jakarta Core Components/Pills/Marbles/Gems/Diamonds
Jakarta Web Components/Pills/Marbles/Gems/Diamonds

Gems would be a particularly interesting choice in light of the Ruby
use of the term ;)

I'm hoping for more of a one-word catchy name, like we had for Apache
Silk.  Actually, like Jakarta itself, or Tomcat, or Xerces, or Struts.
These one-word names catch on and suggest an identity that is far
more sticky than a technical 3-word term like "Jakarta Web
Components."  Those types of names become another drop in the TLA
(three letter acronym) soup very quickly...

We have a one-word catchy name - Jakarta :)


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