I know Jakarta Commons isn't a TLP but considering the
commons.apache.org space is vacant how about addins a blurb about the
Jakarta Commons.

It's the convention that you use your domain as your package. The
Jakarta Commons code is in the package org.apache.commons, not
org.apache.jakarta.commons. Also a number of times I've seen s stack
trace and simply reveresed the package name parts and pasted it into a
browser in an attempt to find out more about the code.

I'm thinking a blurb at the bottom to the effect of:

If you came here looking for Java code in the org.apache.commons
packages then go see the <a
href="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/";>Apache Jakarta Commons</a>

Sandy McArthur

"He who dares not offend cannot be honest."
- Thomas Paine

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