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The following page has been changed by HenriYandell:

  === Status ===
- Chair to summarize Jakarta-wide news + the current state of affairs. 
+ This quarter saw HiveMind becoming a TLP - it is waiting on its infra 
requests to complete its move. The proposal for JMeter and Cactus to form a TLP was tabled by the board until the following month (the 
meeting this report is for).
+ There was a lot of activity on the Jakarta General mailing list - first 
passing a vote to merge SVN karma and then rejecting a vote to move the Commons 
Sandbox up to the Jakarta level. The concept of Jakarta containing a set of 
"Xxx Components" groupings has some momentum, and there were various threads of 
discussion concerning the chair's pushing of Jakarta to thinking of itself as a 
single community and not a set of communities.
+ Struts suggested Tiles as a first component within a Web Components grouping 
- but nothing has happened as yet. Geronimo are hoping for a Commons Modeler 
release soon to help with their 1.1 release. There was discussion as to how 
best to handle copyright dates - Cliff is aware of this but we haven't brought 
it up on legal-discuss yet.
  === Releases ===
@@ -31, +35 @@

  === Infrastructure news ===
- -
+ Subversion karma within Jakarta has changed this quarter so that any member 
of Jakarta has access to any part of Jakarta with the exception of Jakarta POI 
which has concerns over NDAs concerning its subject matter.
+ Jakarta Commons and Jakarta HttpComponents both moved from Bugzilla to JIRA.
  === Subproject news ===
+ ==== BCEL ====
  ==== Cactus ====

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