Here's our quarterly report on the state of Jakarta. Many thanks to Phil for taking care of things and getting it in to the board.

It's been applied to the website in the usual place:

Will take an hour or something to get rsync'd over to production.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2006 11:33:55 -0700
From: Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Jakarta Project Management Committee List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Jakarta Project Management Committee List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Jakarta Board Report - June, 2006


This quarter saw HiveMind becoming a TLP - it is waiting on its
infra requests to complete its move. The proposal for JMeter and
Cactus to form a TLP was tabled by the board
until the following month (the meeting this report is for).

There was a lot of activity on the Jakarta General mailing list -
first passing a vote to merge SVN karma and then rejecting a vote
to move the Commons Sandbox up to the Jakarta level. The concept
of Jakarta containing a set of "Xxx Components" groupings has some
momentum, and there were various threads of discussion concerning
the chair's pushing of Jakarta to thinking of itself as a single
community and not a set of communities.

Struts suggested Tiles as a first component within a Web Components
grouping - but nothing has happened as yet. Geronimo are hoping for
a Commons Modeler release soon to help with their 1.1 release. There
was discussion as to how best to handle copyright dates - Cliff is
aware of this but we haven't brought it up on legal-discuss yet.


    * 15 June 2006 - Commons Chain 1.1 Released
    * 13 June 2006 - JMeter 2.2 Released
    *  8 June 2006 - Commons FileUpload 1.1.1 Released
    * 06 June 2006 - BCEL 5.2 Released
    * 14 May 2006 - Commons Collections 3.2 Released
    * 14 May 2006 - Commons Logging 1.1 Released
    * 08 May 2006 - Commons HttpClient 3.0.1 Released
    * 25 April 2006 - Commons SCXML promoted out of Commons Sandbox
    * 23 April 2006 - HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0-alpha1 Released
    * 13 April 2006 - Tapestry 4.0.2 Released
    * 03 April 2006 - Commons Pool 1.3 Released
    * 01 April 2006 - Tapestry 3.0.4 Released
    * 01 April 2006 - Tapestry 4.0.1 Released
    * 26 March 2006 - Cactus 1.7.2 Released
    * 24 March 2006 - Commons Validator 1.3.0 Released

---Community changes---

New committers
    * 26 March 2006 - Roland Weber (rolandw)

    * 27 March 2006 - Emmanuel Bourg (ebourg)
    * 14 June 2006 - Aaron Smuts (asmuts)

---Infrastructure news---

Subversion karma within Jakarta has changed this quarter so that
any member of Jakarta has access to any part of Jakarta with the
exception of Jakarta POI which has concerns over NDAs concerning
its subject matter.

Jakarta Commons and Jakarta HttpComponents both moved from
Bugzilla to JIRA.

---Subproject news---


The main contributors have left the project over the years.
Obviously still quite a few users though. With a few people we
managed so apply the outstanding patches and close many bugs.
After 3 years we just released BCEL 5.2 as a bugfix release.
Due to the lack of recent activity at least 2 communites (findbugs
and aspectj) are known to have forked BCEL and maintain their own
version. They have implemented features (JDK1.5 support, speed and
memory handling improvements) that we would like try to port back.
A GSoC student is currently trying to implement JDK1.5 and -if time
permits- JDK1.6 support in BCEL. Contribution happens through jira
without a special branch. We are in contact with the other
communities. No one is excited yet - we got positive feedback. They
are interested in JDK 1.6 support as well. We might have a
chance to drag them back to BCEL. This could be a good chance to
increase the number of active committers again. Hopefully we will
see another relase after the GSoC.

Unfortunately only few PMC members (at least two) are on the
development list at the moment.

BCEL moved to maven2 as build system.


Cactus had a submission (regarding build Cactus with Maven 2 and
providing a Maven 2 Cactus plugin) for the Google's Summer of Code
initiative, but unfortunately it did not get ranked high enough to
be accepted. On the brigher side, the student (Petar) said he would
still want to contribute to the project, so we might get some
activities in that direction in the upcoming quarter.

We also had a nice patch regarding a new feature provided by a
user, but it has not been incorporated to the source code yet.

Finally, the Cargo integration has not been completed yet.

---Commons Chain---

Commons Chain released version 1.1. This contained a number of
enhancements and bug fixes, most of which had sitting in the
repository a while (initial/last release was December 2004).

---Commons Collections---

Commons Collections released version 3.2. This contained lots of
bug fixes and a few new classes. Collections is a widely used
project which doesn't have nearly enough releases (one every 18
months or so). Hopefully we can look at creating a generics
version of the project before too long.

---Commons DBCP---

After several months of inactivity at the end of last year, bug
fixes have now resumed and a release plan for a patch level release
has been published.

---Commons FileUpload---

Commons FileUpload released version 1.1.1. This was a minor
maintenance release to fix two bugs found since version 1.1 was
released in December 2005.

---Commons Jelly---

Jelly has had some active discussion and bug fixing development,
as well as upgrading the dependencies to a later version of dom4j
and jaxen. There are calls, but as yet no definitive plan for a
release of some of the taglibs and core.

---Commons Logging---

The long awaited JCL 1.1 was at last released. JCL has a tiny
codebase but is difficult to work on. It is used by a huge number
of projects both open source and commercial as well as being
shipped with most J2EE containers but the 1.0.x series of releases
have some pretty fundamental issues with (in particular) many
implementations of the later J2EE specifications. It is also
unfortunate that JCL is forced to work around deficiencies in these
specifications. Though there were only a small number of code
changes, these were backed by much larger quantities of analysis.

---Commons Math---

Commons math development continues with bug fixes and enhancements.
A library including numerical linear algebra and analysis routines
on the commons math roadmap (as well as some other things) is being
considered for inclusion. The incubator IP clearance process will
be followed if the community agrees to accept the code.

---Commons Pool---

Commons Pool floundered last year. Too few active committers
meant that patches from developers were not being review. Pool is
widely used and its flaws unfortunately effected negatively many
downstream users. Thanks to the efforts of Sandy MacArthur, this
situation has been addressed and a 1.3 release cut. After some
effort, the legal hurdles were passed for the import of his
composite pool implementation (developed outside the ASF).

---Commons SCXML---

The Commons SCXML (State Chart XML) project has been promoted from
Commons Sandbox to Commons Proper. Commons SCXML provides a generic
state-machine based execution environment. It borrows most
semantics from its namesake Working Draft at the W3C. Anything that
can be represented as a UML state chart -- business process flows,
view navigation bits, interaction or dialog management, and many
more -- can leverage the Commons SCXML library.

Commons SCXML was the most active component in the Commons Sandbox
repository and the Commons user mailing list for the last three
months. A first release plan has been drafted. At least one project
(in Jakarta Taglibs) will be immediately using Commons SCXML after
its first release.

---Commons Validator---

Commons Validator released version 1.3.0. This contained a number
of bug fixes for Validator 1.2.0 (released Nov. 2005) and a whole
new package of date/time/number validators.


The most important thing first: [WWW] HttpComponents has a shiny
new logo, mostly red with vertical violet lines adding some
contrast and matching nicely with the feather in the Jakarta logo.

Bug tracking has moved from bugzilla to JIRA for both HttpClient
and HttpComponents. A new Client HTTP Programming Primer in the
wiki simplifies the life of new users.

The release of HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0-alpha1 in April is to
be followed by an alpha2 in June. That is a prerequisite for Axis2
switching from a fork of HttpClient test code to HttpCore, making
them our first official user! Work on HttpClient 4.0 is making
progress on the coding front. For the time being, this component
will also include the cookie, authentication and connection
management code to reduce the overhead for release management.
HttpAsync has seen some design documentation being added and will
pick up on coding in the next quarter.

For HttpClient 3, there was a minor bugfix release 3.0.1. Work on
the 3.1 release that will include the Cookie2 support from last
year's GSoC is in progress. Our apologies for the delay, but there
is really a lot of tedious work to be done to get HttpComponents
up to speed, so HttpClient 3 development had to be cut back to
life support for a while. Cookie2 support is expected to be the
last major addition to the old code base.


The JCS project added a new auxiliary--the JDBC disk cache. It's
highly scalable and is being used in production environments,
backed my MySQL. There were also a few small bug fixes. We also
reduced the number of dependencies to just two: util-concurrent
and commons-logging.

We added a getting started guide and substantially improved the
documentation. We are working on improving the FAQ and the Remote
Cache Server documentation.

We held a vote for a release. Everyone was in favor, and we should
be taking the next steps soon.


Release 2.2 includes a lot of bug fixes and new functionality. We
decided to abandon Java 1.3 support with this release (performance
on 1.3 was not good and some features did not work). There's still
plenty to do, as always.

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