So how about biting the bullet and installing one of the well established and obviously easier tools:

* Cruise Control (
* anthill (
* Luntbuild (

While I appreciate that we do have a ASL licensed CI product, the arguments "it is too complicated to set up" and "it is better to have none than having not-Continuum" don't work well with me.

(I've only glanced at Luntbuild but its feature list seems impressive.)

        Best regards

Henri Yandell schrieb:
Gump's up and running. It was sounding like it was a bit dead, but
seems to have got active again with maven-2 support here or nearly
here. The biggest problem with Gump is that it's not a CI system -
it's a social experiment and it's aim is to tell people when trunks
are breaking for them and not to create nightly artifacts. That might
have changed though. They just started working with Harmony (that's
one of my wishlist bits for whatever build we use - build 1.4, 1.5,
1.6 and Harmony for each project - plus it should be testing the ant,
maven1 and maven2 builds).

vmbuild was intended to be a zone/machine for Continuum - but it
didn't have the cycles. The nightly spamassassin is on the same
machine and (allegedly) eats them all up. There's some talk of setting
a distributed Continuum up, but it involves a fair amount of people
working together so I wouldn't expect that any time soon.


On 1/17/07, Henning Schmiedehausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As we have at least one "CI" tool inside the ASF: How about setting up
one of these for the nightlies?

        Best regards

Martin van den Bemt schrieb:
> Gump doesn't build against the versions of the dependencies specified in the pom / project.xml, but > builds against the latest of everything, which could mean other trouble if you are using those jars.
> Mvgr,
> Martin
> Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
>> Umm....why not out of Gump?
>> Phil Steitz wrote:
>>> Henri Yandell wrote:
>>>> On 1/16/07, Ortwin Glück <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Does anyone (Henry?) know what happened to
>>>>> ?
>>>>> It's referenced from
>>>>> at the very bottom of the page. I'm looking for information how to get
>>>>> nightly builds done for HttpComponents.
>>>> It probably never existed. When that page was created the links were
>>>> made for pages that didn't exist to encourage people to write them -
>>>> didn't work :)
>>>> Nightly build wise... it's still an unorganized situation. In Commons >>>> we have some hand written scripts that are used on a zone (vmbuild) to
>>>> build the code each night. Taglibs used to be built each night on
>>>> Glenn's machine (I suspect that's not true anymore).
>>>> We could expand the script for Commons to work from the Jakarta
>>>> perspective and not the Commons one.
>>> +1 and would not be hard to do. Makes sense to do this for all Jakarta
>>> components that want nightlies and as long as the builds are
>>> "reasonable" in execution time, this should not be a problem.  The
>>> current script supports Ant, Maven 1 and Maven 2. The script code is
>>> in svn at jakarta/commons/proper/commons-nightly/.  The main script,
>>> gets svn upped on vmbuild by a crontab wrapper before >>> executing each night, so if you just make changes to include a new build >>> or build type into this script and config and check in the changes, the
>>> new component will be added.
>>> Phil
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Henning P. Schmiedehausen  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] | J2EE, Linux
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          "Save the cheerleader. Save the world."

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Henning P. Schmiedehausen  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] | J2EE, Linux
91054 Buckenhof, Germany   -- +49 9131 506540  | Apache person
Open Source Consulting, Development, Design    | Velocity - Turbine

          "Save the cheerleader. Save the world."

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