I am actually maintaining that, although at a pace that makes you fall a sleep 


Niall Pemberton wrote:
> Previous Board reports have been archived here:
> http://jakarta.apache.org/site/pmc/board-reports.html
> Would be good to continue this IMO.
> Niall
> On 2/19/07, Martin van den Bemt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Jakarta Board Report
>> Status
>> This board report was mainly constructed by other people than me,
>> which is a big improvement (thanks everyone). I also moved the board
>> report to a fixed location on the wiki
>> (http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaBoardReport-current), so it's
>> easier to locate for people. The code grant for the not yet commons
>> SSL (formerly named commons-ssl), has been completed, so we can
>> progress to having a vote where SSL should end up on general and
>> based on that result take the correct incubator path (legal /
>> full incubation).
>> What is not completely clear for me at this point, is the board
>> report schedule. An extra report was requested (lack of commons
>> projects in the report). Reporting next month again will be a lot of
>> work, since my goal is to report on every subproject (even if there
>> is no or hardly any activity).
>> Inactive projects
>> Disclaimer : we have lot's of active projects !
>> Definition list :
>> Inactive project = a project that has no *developer* community.
>> The Apache Way :
>> To become committer on a project you have to earn that right, you
>> have to stand out, submit patches, show you care, learn the apache
>> way and have to get noticed by the current committers who can
>> nominate such a person.
>> Problem :
>> If that didn't happen enough in the past, it can happen that at a
>> certain point no developer community is active anymore.
>> Which causes :
>> A catch22 situation. Since there is no developer community, no one
>> is able to determine if people deserve to become a committer. Even if
>> you are monitoring such a list (such as I do for all Jakarta lists),
>> it is hard to determine if people deserve committership.
>> Solution :
>> The only thing we know for sure : inactive projects needs someone to
>> mentor the project to become active again. This goes for all possible
>> scenario's :
>> 1. Actively support forks and when they show they are capable to work
>>    on the project, get the code back (needs mentoring, grants, etc)
>> 2. More liberal in getting committers on board
>> 3. Actively following the user / dev lists and issue trackers to see
>>    if there is someone ready for committer ship. (is the normal way,
>>    although the focus here is not if patches etc are technically
>>    correct)
>> I like to prevent Jakarta becoming some kind of collection with
>> inactive project, so the first goal is preventing that this scenario
>> occurs on our current subprojects where possible. So I would like to
>> ask the current active developers to invest a little bit more time in
>> looking what others are doing.
>> I think this discussion is also useful to have on the incubator list.
>> Releases
>>     * 13 February 2007 Commons Lang 2.3
>>     * 13 February 2007 Commons IO 1.3.1
>>     * 30 January 2007 Commons IO 1.3
>>     * 30 December 2006 Commons Betwixt 0.8
>>     * 30 December 2006 Commons VFS 1.0
>>     * 19 December 2006 Commons SCXML 0.6
>> Community changes
>> New committers, pmc persons, asf members and departures.
>> PMC Members
>>     * Yoav Shapira resigned from the PMC
>> The following new commiters were voted in:
>>     * Yegor Kozlov (POI)
>>     * Luc Maisonobe (Commons Math)
>>     * Matt Benson (Commons JXPath)
>> Infrastructure news
>> Started to investigate the moderators we have and contacting all the
>> moderators asking if they are still active. If there are gaps, I will
>> try to fill the void by finding volunteers. This way we prevent that
>> lists aren't moderated.
>> Subproject news
>> Sections with a prefix of MvdB are notes added by the chair
>> MvdB :
>> Some user questions, further no action taken on the future of BCEL
>> (on the list is contacting the 2 currently exising forks out there,
>> to see if there is interenst in moving development back to Jakarta.
>> Afaik Findbugs and AspectJ have forks.
>> BSF
>> MvdB :
>> They are currently planning for a 3.0 release and for jsr223 they
>> are investigating to get the TCK. Geir is in the process of
>> arranging things.
>> Cactus
>> MvdB :
>> Cactus development was stalled and recently Petar Tahchiev sent a
>> mail to the list, saying he had continued development of cactus on
>> https://mamouth.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mamouth. I
>> (=Martin van den Bemt) am currently in the process of informing
>> Petar on what actions to take (eg Code Grants/CLA/CCLA) to move
>> development back to the cactus project. When the paperwork is there,
>> we will run the code base through the incubator (at a minimum legal).
>> Commons
>> Switching from Maven-1 to Maven-2 gets closer - we can now build the
>> website from Maven-2. Next we need to look at how we would do a
>> release under Maven-2 and whether it passes our requirements.
>> Key:
>> * Inactive - No activity, no one watching it. Candidate for dormancy.
>> * Maintenance - No activity, someone watching it.
>> There are thirty-two components in the Commons 'Proper', that is the
>> released components.
>> Attributes
>> Inactive - however the last release had an issue so a new release
>> ideally needs to be done.
>> BeanUtils
>> Maintenance. A 1.8.0 release is slowly being worked on. Struts were a
>> major user, however they've moved on to using OGNL in their new version,
>> so the drive for a BeanUtils release is much lower than it has been
>> previously.
>> Betwixt
>> Just had a 0.8 release and currently actively maintained.
>> Chain
>> Maintenance. Used by a few projects (including Shale) and libraries,
>> but not widespread. Limited in scope due to awkard support for
>> conditional processing, so not likely to be aggressively enhanced.
>> CLI
>> Inactive. A 2.x version was close to release many years ago but then
>> the interested committers stopped committing. The 1.x version had
>> reached the end of its shelf-life, and though there are users of the
>> 2.x version no one has shown interest in releasing it.
>> Codec
>> Maintenance. A few enhancements in JIRA, but nothing major to work
>> on.
>> Collections
>> Maintenance. Some work started on a JDK 1.5 version in the sandbox
>> a few months back.
>> Configuration
>> Active.
>> Daemon
>> Active.
>> Active. A 1.2.2 release is coming soon.
>> DbUtils
>> Maintenance. A 1.1 release was made, and there really aren't that
>> many interesting issues to work on for a 1.2 release.
>> Digester
>> Maintenance. There are no bugs in JIRA, and no significant
>> enhancement requests; everyone seems content with the current
>> release.
>> Discovery
>> Inactive. A 0.4 release was made, and nothing new is planned.
>> EL
>> Inactive. Its main use was in Tomcat, and it's not used in their
>> latest Tomcat 6.
>> Email
>> Activity has restarted here and there may be a 1.1 release if it
>> continues.
>> FileUpload
>> Active. A 1.2 release is in the works now that IO 1.3 is released.
>> IO
>> Active. A 1.3 release has been made. Mostly this was a case of adding
>> new functionality (some from the Sandbox Finder component) and fixing
>> some bugs. There was a screwup (method wasn't static as desired) so a
>> 1.3.1 has also been released. There's no activity on a 1.4 yet, but
>> I'm sure there will be.
>> Jelly
>> Not much activity - still in widespread use due to Maven-1, but this
>> is fading. Another notable user is JIRA who use it as their scripting
>> language.
>> Jexl
>> Jexl gets a little bit of development here and there and has been
>> reasonably stable recently. We keep threatening to start Jexl 2.
>> JXPath
>> Version 1.2 has been the "current" release of this library for over
>> two years, which is testament to the overall stability of the code.
>> There have been a number of issues closed since 1.2 was released,
>> however, so a 1.3 release seems to be in the near future. After this
>> it will probably be appropriate to categorize JXPath as being in
>> maintenance mode: a new committer (Matt Benson) has stepped up to act
>> as its curator.
>> Lang
>> Lang 2.3 has been released this month. Active development is expected
>> to continue.
>> Launcher
>> Inactive (2 years since a notable commit). A user did recently ask if
>> he could help, but it's likely this is destined for dormancy.
>> Logging
>> The Maven 2.x files for the 1.1 release were incorrect and a few bugs
>> have been fixed so a 1.1.1 release needs to be made. No one has
>> volunteered to be the release manager yet though.
>> Math
>> Active.
>> Modeler
>> Maintenance. Dims organized a release back in July, since then one
>> issue has been fixed.
>> Net
>> Actively working on a 2.0 release.
>> Pool
>> Following a bugfix release, a rethink things a bit 2.0 release is in
>> the medium term planning.
>> Primitives
>> Inactive.
>> On 19th of December version 0.6 of Commons SCXML was released. This
>> version included notable improvements towards processing of XML
>> namespaces in SCXML documents, custom Commons SCXML actions for
>> defining domain-specific vocabularies and Java serializability of the
>> model and executor instances. Commons SCXML is now also used to drive
>> an implementation of Shale dialogs (starting version 1.0.4 of the
>> Shale framework).
>> Transaction
>> Some activity - slowly preparing for a 1.2 release.
>> Validator
>> Active.
>> VFS
>> VFS had its first release (version 1.0) at the end of 2006!
>> Dormant
>> There are thirty-eight unreleased components in here. Nothing has
>> threatened to leave this status.
>> Sandbox
>> There are twelve components in here that are valid for dormancy
>> (finder + i18n spring to mind). Nothing in the sandbox currently
>> looks like it's close to moving to proper.
>> ECS
>> There was an email in 2006 (one thread all year) offering to start up
>> ECS2, but nothing after that. Inactive and ready for dormancy.
>> HttpComponents
>>     * including Commons HttpClient
>> HttpClient 3.1 RC1 is being prepared. HttpCore-NIO 4.0 alpha has
>> been selected as the new transport layer for Synapse. Work on
>> HttpClient 4.0 alpha continues, but has been delayed as the focus is
>>  now on HttpCore-NIO.
>> JCS
>> MvdB :
>> JIRA notifications are send to the list now. Not much development
>> happening currently.
>> JMeter
>> MvdB :
>> Active as always. The concern about the lack of committers for JMeter
>> in my last report is lifted by the fact that other people are still
>> involved, although don't currently have any cycles to spare.
>> ORO
>> Apart from the occasional regexp question, the ORO is inactive and
>> ready for dormancy.
>> POI
>> MvdB :
>> Added Mark Thomas to the POI Committer list. Actively working on a
>> release, which is planned for the beginning of March. After that
>> release next steps will be taken in a move to TLP. All headers,
>> notices are up-to-date and the build process have been updated to
>> accomodate a correct release.
>> Regexp
>> Apart from the occasional bug report, the Regexp is in deep
>> maintenance.
>> Slide
>> MvdB :
>> Activity is picking up and a potential other committer candidate was
>> introduced, which means more patches and more activity. I am also
>> currently investigating if I can use Slide for my self, so who
>> knows I will actually do some programming for Apache in the future :)
>> Taglibs
>> A 1.1.3 release of the Jakarta Standard Taglib is being worked on.
>> The RDC taglig has activity - however apart from that all of the
>> taglibs should be considered Inactive and available for dormancy.
>> Turbine
>> The development in the trunk is slowly being revived. Active work
>> is done in some of the Fulcrum components (security).
>> Mvgr,
>> Martin
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