
Ok, I've followed the commons TLP vote thread with some interest
because it seems to impact directly on the end-game for Jakarta.

I believe that we have to make some pretty fundamental decisions about
that future before we can fully resolve the commons TLP issues.

0/ Do we agree that the end-game is dissolution of the Jakarta PMC and
closure of the project?
 Pro - Draws a line under the reorg effort which has gone on for 3 or
4 *years*.
 Con - Removes the remaining tangible & historic links between former
Jakarta sub-projects.

1/ If so do we wish to preserve the Jakarta brand? (the website and
possibly general@)
  Pro  - As Ted H. says "We should stop thinking of "Jakarta" only as
an entity, and go back to thinking of it as to the ASF synonym for
"Java", as originally intended."
          With this thought in mind around 10% of the referrals to
james.apache come from jakarta.apache.
  Con - Others consider that the effort of maintaining the resources
would be unacceptable to anyone.

2/ If we believe that the brand should be preserved should the commons
TLP take ownership of the brand (if/when Jakarta PMC is dissolved)
  Pro - Commons is an active community which continues to fulfil the
jakarta==java remit.
  Con - Commons is not necessarily interested in the brand or
maintenance of its resources. (would people from other projects step

3/ If we believe that a commons TLP should not own the brand are any
of the alternative options acceptable?
 - Retain the Jakarta PMC solely to maintain the brand
 - Move ownership of the brand to the prc (should they agree to have it)
 - Move ownership of the brand to projects.apache maintainers

x/ Should we consult more widely the Members and/or the Board?

My own (2c) opinion is that:

0/ Yes dissolve the jakarta pmc

1/ Yes preserve the brand

2/ If commons PMC would be comfortable with this it would be my
preferred choice, *and* it would resolve the naming issue because the
project could be "Jakarta Commons" which is a minor change from the
sub-project name Jakarta/Commons

3/ If commons PMC would be against this then I think we should approach the prc.

x/ Don't know

In essence are we in favour of a revolutionary end or an evolutionary one?



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