On 5/22/07, Danny Angus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/22/07, Martin van den Bemt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's pretty simple to solve this though (even though repeating myself here) : 
Let (a flattened)
> commons become Jakarta..

I thought that that idea was unpopular with some commons commiters on this PMC?

I'm a Commons Committer (although not active lately, nor likely to be
again soon because of other personal interests, so take this for what
it's worth) ... but I always assumed that what Martin describes
(commons becomes Jakarta) was the natural endgame when you've
encouraged all the active subprojects that should be TLPs to do so,
and dealt appropriately with dormant/dead/inactive codebases.

The only other reasonable alternative would seem to mean sending
Commons somewhere else and retiring the Jakarta name.  That doesn't
make marketing sense to me ... although (even though I have a Business
Admin degree, Marketing was definitely my least favorite subject :-)

On the other hand, are there enough Commons committers (across *all*
the libraries) to matter (i.e. create a viable "community"), or should
we just consider the whole thing an exercise that has come to a
natural conclusion (a bunch of mature code, and a bunch of experiments
that never attracted much community) and call it a day?

If Commons is still viable, then Commons -> Jakarta only makes sense,
and the sooner the better to minize user confusion.  Otherwise, the
discussion of what to do next seems a bit academic.


PS:  Yes, of course, there are passionate believers in the development
of particular libraries.  Are there enough to make a viable community
for *any* of the libraries on their own?  Or enough that care about
the Commons ecosystem as a whole to satisfy Apache's notions of
"community"?  It is not clear to me (any longer) that a "commons" type
environment fits Apache culture (as it is currently being discussed)
at all.

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