This is not the right place to get help, try the tomcat users list.

P.S. you probably need to add the extension and the mime type to a 
configuration file.


"Zilberstein Yuval" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 28/06/2007 

> Hello all,
> I have an image problem on the Tomcat server.
> I have a picture with a special Korean format: cwsis. It is just like
> any other jpg or gif image, but with a format that is not popular.
> The image itself is on the tomcat server.
> I am trying to display the image on a special mobile browser, by
> requesting it from a jsp on the tomcat server,
> But the browser can not display it.
> When I am trying to display it from another apache server it works ok.
> The code is as follows:
> <jsp:useBean id="entryB" class="com.pele.mmbox.beans.AlbumEntryBean"
> scope="session"/>
> <pre>
> </pre>
> <img src="";>
> <a href="testDownload.jsp">down</a>
> Any ideas?
> TIA Yuval
> TX
> YuvalZ
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