A brief look shows that:

The README file has the line:

To build Cactus from CVS, please refer to the following tuturial
which should probably be
To build Cactus from SVN, please refer to the following tutorial

There need to be LICENSE and NOTICE files.

The .cvsignore files should be deleted.


Not everyone will want to build the code and documentation just in
order to review the proposed release, so may I suggest that you create
the distribution artefacts and web-site from the branch and upload
them to your personal directory on people.apache.org?

Once any issues are sorted, a formal vote can be started.

On 30/01/2008, Petar Tahchiev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> my name is Petar Tahchiev, and I see I am currently the only active
> committer for the Cactus project.
> For the last year I have been working in a separate branch here:
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/jakarta/cactus/branches/CACTUS_TRUNK_MAMOUTH/
> and I think that I am ready to try and make a release candidate (RC).
> Because of the status of Cactus
> I guess I will have to initiate a vote for this release to be done, and also
> to fix if you find something to be broken.
> The current changes include:
> 1) new Maven2 based build system
> 2) integration between Cargo & Cactus
> 3) new Ant tasks (see the sample projects).
> 4) the New Cactus web-site (look in cactus-site and execute mvn site:site)
> 5) Cactus-eclipse plugin refactored to support Eclipse 3.2
> Well, currently the only thing that is left is to describe everything in a
> nice documentation,
> but I prefer to do this once I see that you guys say everything is OK.
> So that's what I do now. I hope that you guys checkout the project from the
> repository and give it a try.
> Waiting for your comments.
> Cheers, Petar.
> --
> Regards, Petar!
> Karlovo, Bulgaria.
> EOOXML objections
> http://www.grokdoc.net/index.php/EOOXML_objections
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