In message <>, sebb 
>JMeter also uses ORO, but so long as the existing release remains
>available, it does not matter if it moves to Attic, as ORO works fine
>as it is. There are some RE features that it does not support (such as
>the \Q and \E meta-characters), but otherwise no problems have been

\Q and \E are part of Perl double-quoted string processing and are not
per se regular expression constructs, which is why they weren't
implemented and a quotemeta function was made available instead.  I have
absolutely no problem with it moving into that Attic, but if anyone
requires enhancements, such as adding \Q and \E, then just keep in mind
that you're on your own after ORO moves into the Attic.  The products
that continue to use the software (and there are actually still quite
a few outside of Apache, including commercial products) seem to have
been happy with 2.0.8 for years.  Those who do report issues of one
sort or another do so in a hit and run fashion, such as last December
when I spent time implementing a feature request and never heard back
from the original requestor.  Therefore, no matter how many users there
are, I see no reason to keep ORO out of the Attic if users are not
even willing to follow up on the responses to the issues they report.

That said, I'm not voting a +1 because I don't have the time to help
with satisfying the administrative details of the move.  However, I'd
like to thank in advance those who do spend the time implementing the


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