Thanks, had a look but could not get it to work (and seemed too much
for my needs anyway).

In the end, I wrote 3 basic classes (Store, Folder, Message) which are
sufficient for unit testing.

If there were to be an ASF implementation of a JavaMail provider,
would that be in scope for James?

On 16/02/2010, Norman Maurer <> wrote:
> Hi Sebb,
>  have a look at mstor:
>  Bye,
>  Norman
>  2010/2/16 sebb <>:
> > I'm looking for a simple JavaMail provider that can be used with mail
>  > files, e.g. Unix mbox format, for use in unit testing the JavaMail
>  > JMeter sampler.
>  >
>  > Is there such a library in James?
>  > If not, perhaps someone knows of one which has an ASF-compatible licence.
>  >
>  > Thanks!
>  >

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