Hi All,

I have the goal to be able to hook James into TomEE as a JavaEE Connector and 
receive and process mail.  Hoping it's an afternoon or two of work, but I 
suspect I may be disappointed :)

At a high level it appears I need to get James setup and the mailet support 
setup, whatever that might entail.

First, not sure which branch to use stable (2.x) or trunk (3.x).  The answer to 
that will likely depend on other details.

Here's what I'll need to turn it into a Connector:

 - The ability to configure everything in code
    - Use James as a plain java library (no shell scripts or separate processes)
    - Ideally Java APIs for configuring instead of XML
    - Add/remove mailets in code while the server is running

My gut says I'd likely be in trunk for much of this -- that's usually the way 
things go.  Couple questions there:

 - How stable is trunk?
 - Does receiving basic email via mailets work?

Minor side not on Mailets.  Nearly all links from the word "mailet" on the 
website are to the API.  I haven't yet found the page that says what steps are 
required to set it up.  Will keep searching, but if someone knows the right 
like and could post it, excellent.


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