Hello Haiming

we are using James2 since 2011.

You need to understand that offering information about productive mail 
environments is something most administrators and users dont want to.
We have enough spam, enough virus mails, and enough intrusion events, so we do 
not want more of that. So I think many james users are very very quiet users...

We self use james as integration environment for our product. So our customers 
are james users. We do not offer informations about our customers, I think you 
understand. And our customers are directly supported by us.

But if you would like to get information about stableness, I could offer my 

We use james2, cause james3 is not released yet. But we are on the way to 
migrate our product and our customers.

James 2 is very very stable. We are running it 24/7 in production since 5 
years. We are just using it as MTA (so no mailboxes), it is just a frontend to 

We need the Mailet environment and the complete mail handling, which is very 
stable and does not to be implemented by us. We just implemented a mailet, 
which is very easy. The mailet is closed code and calls our api, so this is our 
part of integration. There is more work done, but the mailet is the important 
work and the integration base.
We monitor james via nagios, use fail2ban, clamv, spamassassin.

Switching to James3 is necessary, cause James2 does not support StartTLS, which 
is a important feature. There are other features we are missing and which will 
never more get part of v2, so we will switch to v3.

You need to be aware that there are mails which could not been handled by james 
v2, cause the sun mail api does a strict syntax parsing. If a mail does miss 
some important syntax elements (like missing borders or wrong headers), the 
mail may fail. But these did never happen to any real mail, in our production, 
only to spam. Spammers do not use correct syntax.
These mails could also not been shown correctly by Outlook or by Thunderbird, 
so it is a general problem, which may happen in postfix too, I don't know.

I know that postfix may be a second good solution. But this is not java, and 
configuring postfix is, I think, very complicated.

So it is not a matter of "stable", it is a matter of features to switch to 
If you would like a stable Mail System written in Java, I think this is the 
best one to use. V2 or V3. My opinion is based on 5 years running it, and 
developing with it.

We are using eclipse and debugging in eclipse is very easy with james, cause it 
is open source java code.

The development of james did have a long period of "waiting", but the 
develpment of james3 did increase the last few months. Which is very good, I am 
happy about that, and the work is also based on Linagora (Thanks!!!), so it is 
based by develoment companies using james. I wish to see a version release, too.

So I personally could recommend it, and you are very welcome if you would like 
to use it.

Best regards
Bernd Waibel

-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------
Von: lihai ming <haiming...@outlook.com>
Datum: 29.08.16 12:29 (GMT+01:00)
An: Matthieu Baechler <mbaech...@linagora.com>, general@james.apache.org
Betreff: 答复: general question

Thanks Mattieu for your response.

The reason I was asking is that we are evaluating if we can adopt/integrate 
James into our project.
It seems James is not very active recently.

Good to learn JamesV3 is acutally under heavy development 😊
Then we look forward to the new stable release coming out soon.


发件人: Matthieu Baechler<mailto:mbaech...@linagora.com>
发送时间: 2016年8月29日 16:57
收件人: general@james.apache.org<mailto:general@james.apache.org>
主题: Re: general question

Hi Haiming,

I can't answer your question directly but here is what I can say.

I know that there's quite some James v2 users, I don't have precise
references for that, but mailing list shows it clearly.

James v3 is still in heavy development but we are trying to make a
release soon so people can use it in production.

I can at least tell you that James v3 will be deployed at Linagora in a
month or two.


Matthieu Baechler

Le 24/08/2016 à 09:25, lihai ming a écrit :
> Hi,Can someone share something about who are the current active users of 
> ApacheJames?Just try to learn how widely ApacheJames are being used by 
> various companies or organizations.Thanks./Haiming

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