It is disappointing that the tizen which is open source and resides within the Linux Foundation has the developed sdk to be compatible with Ubuntu. Ubuntu is a Linux. However linux is not Ubuntu, there are lots of other popular distros as well, with which the sdk has no compatiblity.

I am am Archlinux user and have been attracted by the Tizen project, mainly with is support on the Native Application Development. I have tried some means including installing debootstrap, and nearly succeed if the tizen sdk didnt scan for the depentent pacakges. Its good to scan the packages but in archlinux the packages are available in different names.

So as a final solution for using the tizen-sdk in Arch, I would like to volunteer for editing the source and adding the compatibility for Arch(and other as well).

I request the conterned authortity to provide me with necessary access and rights of the tizen sdk INSTALL MANAGER or at least the source code for the tizen sdk INSTALL MANAGER the private use
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