I think you can file a bug selecting project "Tizen SDK".

From: general-boun...@lists.tizen.org [mailto:general-boun...@lists.tizen.org] 
On Behalf Of Konrad Misniakiewicz
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 4:13 PM
To: general@lists.tizen.org
Subject: [Tizen General] strange issue (bug?)


I found some bug (I think its bug) but I cannot report this because after 
selection "Tizen Graphics&UI Framework Domain" type, there is only 3.0 API 
version, but I am working on 2.2 beta sdk now.
Below description of problem:
When setting UI form to the landscape mode, and then calling Messagebox/Popup 
(within landscaped form) - the Messagebox/Popup shows in portrait mode. Issue 
observed on 2.2 beta sdk - emulator on MacOS. On 2.1 sdk everething was OK - 
but after upgrade to 2.2 beta sdk this issue happens. Other developers have the 
same problem with that after upgrade to 2.2 sdk beta - like on Tizen forum:

Can you help me to find out how should I report this? Sorry for my english.

Best regards
General mailing list

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