Clay Webster wrote:
There seem to be a few other players in this space too.

Are you from Rackspace? (

AOL also has a Hadoop/Solr project going on.

CNET does not have much brewing there. Although Yonik and I had talked about it a bunch -- but that was long ago.

AOL has a couple of projects going on in the lucene/hadoop/solr space, and we will be pushing more stuff out as we can. We don't have anything going with solr over hadoop at the moment.

I'm not sure if this would be better than what SOLR-303 does, but you should have a look at the work being done there.

One of the things you mentioned is that the data sets are disjoint. SOLR-303 doesn't require this, and allows us to have a document stored in multiple shards (with different caching/update characteristics).

Clay Webster                                   tel:1.908.541.3724
Associate VP, Platform Infrastructure
CNET, Inc. (Nasdaq:CNET)                     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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