Yesterday we updated mnoGoSearch for Windows trial beta with some bug fixes. Please try downloading again at http://mnogosearch.org/win.html .
Sorry for inconvenience!
Best regards,
mnoGoSearch developers team
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 8:57 PM
Subject: Fw: Indexer doesn't do anything on start com

I'm trying mnogo Indexer ver. 3.1.12 trial beta for Windows
My platfom is Win98/PWS/MYSQL 3.23.29a-gamma
I followed the steps for installation and finished it with success
I then configured mnogo Indexer following the installation instructions
When I do "start", simply nothing happens, I set the Log feature on, I'm try all the logging options
but nothing happens  at all, the log file were empty, when I opened my Mysql tables none table in the DB has any data
I test my Mysql-odbc DSN via Msaccess and it works ok
what else, should I do ?

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