Author: Шrjan Sandland
there are two important files; 
search.htm and search.cgi

The htm file is the template afaik, and provided that you've got the paths set up 
properly, it should stay where it is, but you need to edit it. Changes are obvious I 

Then there's the search.cgi file. This file needs to be accessible from the web, and 
usually in a special directory.

I have the same setup as you on a server, and I made a cgi-bin directory below 
public_html for this.

File path to the search.cgi was like this:
Html path to the search.cgi was like this:

If you are on a secured system, you may have to ask your system administrator to give 
you the rights to run your own cgi scripts.

Best regards,
Ørjan Sandland

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