Author: Alexander Barkov

Take a look into  'Using alias in Realm command' section of alias.txt
This is very powerful thing. I hope it's what you need.

> hi guys!
> this has nothing much to do w/ mnogosearch engine, but i really need help and i know 
>that you people got more expirience than me :)
> what i need to do is something like the google directory structure:
> let's suppose i have a URL like this: 
> the /section1/lesson1/computers/computer.html are nothing but variables (it could be 
>like this too: ?sec=1&les=1&topic=computers&file=computer - but this is 
>not readable by the common user)
> These variables (section1, lesson1, computers, computer) would be then related to 
>ID's in a MySQL database.
> What i need is a way (using PHP and APACHE) to parse those variables without getting 
>the ERROR 404! how can i do it? is it possible w/ PHP4? do i need to make a DHanlder 
>(default handler) in APACHE and how? where i work , we use Mason and PERL but we are 
>switching to PHP. 
> If you go to de Google Directory you will understand what I need
> Hope for an answer... Tanx guys! :)
> Sergio

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