Author: Alexander Barkov
If it is your site, you can use <!--UdmComment-->  or <NOINDEX>
tags. Check documentation.

> Hi all,
> we have set up our pages using HTML for the navigation - this means that when the 
>Indexer (indexing the pages) runs, it indexes the navigation words, so our display 
>shows things like
> &quot;Local Info Americas Africa/Middle East Asia Australasia Europe Corporate 
>profile Financial management Any questions Research &amp; sponsorship Malta CIMA 
>university award This year&amp;s ceremony took place at the University of Malta on 23 
> where Local Info Americas Africa/Middle East Asia Australasia Europe Corporate 
>profile Financial management Any questions Research &amp; sponsorship are all part of 
>our navigation (this looks pretty dumb) ios there a way to get the indexer to ignore 
> thanks
> Michael

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