Author: Alexander Barkov
Thanks. This fixed in 3.1.13 sources.
> Bad news. I just check your very recent search.c v1.23 via WWW cvs and see that you 
>add tmplt= variable parsing there. Previous buffer overflow (I post the patch for) 
>overflows data segment and stack by some indirect tricks, but new tmplt= parsing 
>allow direct writing to the stack because template[] is on the stack of main(). 
>Dangerous code is:
> sprintf(template,"%s%s%s",UDM_CONF_DIR,UDMSLASHSTR,token+6);
> It overflows even with my posted fix because UDMSTRSIZ for token increased by 
>UDM_CONF_DIR+UDMSLASHSTR count characters. If someone have UDM_CONF_DIR long enough 
>for shell code, he'll got it.

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