"Briggs, Gary" wrote:
> Has anyone here got a way of indexing powerpoint or visio documents?
> Changing the document is not viable; I need a way to get the strings out of
> it.
> "strings" is not too bad on powerpoint, but for visio it's not worth the
> effort.

You may use so called external parser - any program which can convert
visio documents into text or html. Check doc/parsers.txt

> Also, Is there any way to convert documents with this in them:
>  <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
> ?
> I'd ideally like to convert them to something more standard... Can I do
> this?

What format do you want to get after convertion?

> As in, I can't change anything. At all. I need a way to do all these things
> in the search engine.
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