Author: Alexander Barkov
DR means number of unique words found in document, It is always 1
if you search for the only one word. However most relevant document
is always dislayed first. 

In 3.2 we want to add a possibility to display something like 

> While performing a search, I realised that the document
> relevancy $DR is always get 1. This is rather weird, cos' 
> I always thought that the document relevancy value should 
> be derived from the search text. How it be possible that 
> a document which contain more occurences of the search text 
> have the same document relevancy value as documents with lesser occurences?
> How should I configure indexer.conf during indexing
> so that the document relevancy can be taken into account
> when a search is issued?
> Any help on the matter is much appreciated.
> --
> Jenson

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