Author: Alexander Barkov
> I'm trying to do accentuated search, in french, with proper charset used 
>(ISO-8859-1). My db is CRC-MULTI.
> When I try "Journée Mondiale", the searchengine gives me 4 results;
> When I try "Journee Mondiale", the searchengine gives me 0 result;
> I don't know why : My MSSQL Server 7 has a case insensitive and accent insensitive 
> And if I make an simple SQL statement, it works fine. eg:
> SELECT * FROM url WHERE txt LIKE '%Journee Mondiale%'
> or
> SELECT * FROM url WHERE txt LIKE '%Journée Mondiale%'
> I receive 4 results for each, so no problems.
> Are you making a special query ? wich take accents in consideration forcing my SQL 
>server to be accent sensitive ? is there an option to disable it ?

search composes query in this format:

SELECT * FROM dict WHERE word='mondiale',

  (search word is already lowercased in SQL queries,
   so case (in)sensitivity does not affect)

Check whether query like this is accent independant too.

Please also note that accent independent search 
will work only in SINGLE and MULTI DBMode.

CRC and CRC-MULTI modes do not allow accent independant
search even if your  database is configured to support it.

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